Sense Full Fun Days of Rest and Recuperation

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

Happy Year of the Rooster!

Rooster brings us "get up and go" energy.  This energy is effective for getting things done. It's swift and it works best when you've got a good plan and are ready to employ it.

I don't know about you but hearing this makes me think that I sure could use some rest.  Here's a fairy to inspire that being done well.

The global outpouring of positive energy at the Women's Marches last weekend has given us a wonderful "stepping off" point to continue our positive actions forward through these awkward times.  We are building something new and it will take a lot of work.

In my next blog posts I'll present some ideas of how this can be done and we'll put the energy of the Rooster to work.

In the meantime, join me in the art of recuperation.


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

Fairy of Women

Hello Friend of Bluebird Fairies,

I'm getting on a bus tonight headed to Washington D.C. for the Women's March on Washington. 

Several weeks ago a foundation called "Amplifier" put out a call to artists to submit work from which they'd select pieces to turn into 30,000 posters for the march. 

I submitted 2 pieces and they joined a group of over 5,000 from which 5 were selected.  Mine were not part of that tiny group but I've made them into posters that will head down with me and Brian on the Peace and Justice Bus. 

Here's one of the delightful new additions to Bluebird Fairies: 

The world is going to have some dynamic energy tomorrow.  Besides the March on Washington there are 613 (and counting) other marches happening.  I think every state is having at least one and I just counted over 75 other countries on the list. 

Take a look through the mission statement.  It will clue you into the larger energy we're tapping into:

"Women’s March Global invites individuals and organizations committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion and those who understand women’s rights as human rights to join our local coalitions of marchers in representing the rights and voices of progressive people around the world.

As concerned citizens standing up for human rights, Women’s March Global immediately seeks to increase the number of coalitions participating in the upcoming global marches, while continuing to organize future campaigns. Women’s March Global is building and empowering a persistent global network that will organize future campaigns and actions in support of progressive values including women’s rights.

Women’s March Global is a proactive international movement, not a U.S. election-specific protest per se, which has galvanized people to defend women's rights and those of others in response to the rising rhetoric of far-right populism around the world."

So tap into this great sea of energy wherever you are and move forth with your positive actions as a citizen of this beautiful earth.

Be well and have fun!


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies 



Easy Times for Big Forward Thinking

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

On the day I'd planned to draw a fairy card out of my deck to write about here my friend Stuart Soboleski sent me a picture of his "Fairy of the Day".  So, I'm using his. Thank you Stuart!!


He wrote to tell me why he was so excited to receive it. 

Apparently, though you might not be able to see it, on January 7th the planets of our solar system have aligned. According to a posting from a site called Star Gazing-

 "This means they will all be moving forward in the same type of manner and as such will be more balanced , synchronized and harmonious than at any other point in their collective orbit cycles."  This will go on until February 6th. 

We're still standing in the doorway of a New Year and we can find ourselves standing there with reflective thoughts and "to do" lists.

At the same time many of us are thinking collectively of how we can continue to keep ourselves heading towards positive outcomes in a world that seems like it cannot get any bleaker. 

"This is the best time of year to do whatever it is that you want or need to do!"

Let's hold this idea and USE it.

Have fun and I will too!!

All the best!!

Emily and Bluebird Fairies

If you need assistance please come to our Fairy and Demon Drawing Workshop on Saturday January 14th.  For two hours we'll name and draw what's weighing us down and then we'll easily enlist through pen and paper our own positive powers. It's easy and, really, not a big deal to do.

Fairy of the Egg Shells

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

Happy New Year.

In this fresh year I share with you a fresh new fairy! She's.....


Do you get all excited about moving into the new year and leaving behind bad habits and old ways of thinking?  I sure do.  I find, though, that early on in the year I get alarmed to see that they haven't vanished.

Yesterday, New Year's Day, on a beautiful walk in the sun this image came to me.  I saw myself bursting out of an egg into the new year.  If that's so, well then, of course, it's quite natural to see bits and pieces of the "old ways of being that no longer serve us" in the egg shell. 

Can you imagine this to be true of you too? I hope so.  This fairy then can assist you with gentle reminders to move forward with care.  You've just hatched!

Onward and upward with your intentions for good ways of being.

I'm right there with you and will be back soon with a writing about a fairy from the Bluebird Fairy Deck and my new blog writing plan.

Till then, smile


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

Bluebird Fairies has made steps towards strengthening our existence this year.   I'm taking this moment to extend my gratitude for all of you who've been reading this blog and following and supporting the growth of Bluebird Fairies.

This year we moved into a new studio space and started doing monthly Fairy and Demon Drawings workshops. We also conducted drawing workshops for Vermont Works for Women both at the Women's Correctional and in their "Step Up" program.  We've had quite a few opportunities to be out in the Fairy Booth doing "Fairy Card Readings" which connected over 100 people to their "positive present".  New products were created- magnets, stickers, "Bernie Fairies" and posters.  In October a very successful "GoFundMe" campaign raised money for a "Fairy of the Day" app which will be moving into existence soon. 

I could not do this without the support of some key people: Stephanie Salmon, Robyn Baylor and Rob Pitone. Thank you for your invaluable expertise and enthusiastic support.

And to Brian Merrill, the man who met me and these fairies at ART Hop 2014 and has been assisting their movement into the world ever since, I am deeply honored to share this work and life with you.  




Trusting the Way Today

Trusting the Way Today

Once again I’ve gone to my Bluebird Fairy Deck to draw at random a card to write about and it’s…..

Yes, this wonderful fairy has shown up during this Holiday Season to shed her light. 

Once before when I wrote about the “Fairy of Trusting the Way” I quoted the Reverend Al Sharpton.  I'd loved hearing him speak at the Unitarian Church in Burlington.  One of his focuses was the importance of goals.  "If you don’t have them you don't know when you’ve arrived!!!”  

I don’t know about you but “the Holidays” overwhelm me.  The feeling quietly starts seeping into me after Thanksgiving gives way to nonstop commercial holiday music playing and an overwhelmingly unabashed spotlight shines on consumerism. 

What allows me to move through saying “Let’s go!” all the way to the New Year is with guidelines.

Here's my list for this year:

Find a few moments to sing and listen to the holiday music you like.

Visit an elderly friend.

Call a long lost friend on the phone.

Take a mini road trip.

Design a holiday card that gives a little summary of the year and wishes for the future.

Have festive moments.

Give gifts that mean something. (It’s OK if they’re really small, you made them or you can’t see them) 

Whatever you do please have fun.  Find the light.  And count on a little magic surprising you when you least expect it. 

Wishing you easy times in whatever form you wish.


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies