Easy Days for Awesome Living

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

It’s time for me to say hello to you and hope that you’re moving through the concert of life with a full appreciation of the music.

When I spend time with music full of texture and depth, I’m able to fully appreciate that life IS truly full of complexity, simplicity, deep feelings, passion, softness, grace…. The list is endless.

So, in honor of that, I’ll share with you a fairy I made for Cricket Blue, an incredible musical duo that has been filling me with appreciation for life.

And, a fairy for YOU!

Cricket Blue Fairies.jpg
A Really Good Life Right Here Right Now.jpg

I’m wishing you all the best and will be in touch with details about our South End Art Hop activities, winter markets and much more.

All the best,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

p.s. if it’s Saturday July 27th please find us at the Old North End Ramble. We’ll be part of the O.N.E. World Market next to the O.N.E. Community Center. Come One, Come All.