Fairy of Art Hop

Dear Friends of Bluebird,

I hope this finds you well.

Here’s the fairy supporting my efforts these days:

Beneath the words "Fairy of Art Hop" stands a fairy wearing a blue dress with a yellow crescent moon. On either side of her are speech bubbles containing the words "I'm here" and "EnJOY."

As I write this, I’m in the midst of my preparations for Art Hop. It was nine years ago that I shared my left handed drawings with the Art Hop public. Now, I approach each season of it with great anticipation for the several days in which I can live in my ‘Bluebird Fairy World.’

This year I’m excited to share several things:

The follow up from last year’s collection of names for a Flamingo I wove out of pink plastic from a broken floaty. The name was selected by my friend Sarah, a woman whose life’s work involves researching (and discovering) spiders. On Saturday September 9th we’ll have a Flamingo Naming Ceremony. Please join us for a celebration of our interconnected existence. How do spiders connect with flamingos? That answer and more will be found in this 30 minute interactive event.

I have long been hinting that I’ll once again create paper mache cats and I have! Perhaps you are in need of a prosperity cat? Come and see (or if you’re not in the area) contact me.

And…there’s a very nice fairy poster. It was designed by Stephanie Salmon after my friend Sandy said she wanted something filled with fairies (it has 25!). Now, she gazes up at it to see which fairy jumps out at her. It’s a whole new way of getting your ‘Fairy of the Day!’

Hope to see you Vermonters!

Regardless, please enJOY. Let’s allow the coming weekend to be a magical one for us all. We need it.

All the Best,

Emily and the Fairies