Happy Solstice Everyone!

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

We’ve moved into the Winter Solstice.

I’ve happily moved back into my practice of drawing a ‘Demon’ and ‘Fairy’ every day. This recent fairy seems so perfect for right now:

Beneath the words "Fairy of Intention for Good things happening' stands a fairy with arms outstretched. He has a speech bubble on either side with the words "Visualize and allow."

Lena Stevens of the Powerpath School of Shamanism says “Intentions are the energy of your desires.” She suggests when creating intentions to consider how you want to feel and to consult your heart rather than your mind. Your mind’s job is to create goals and resolutions to fulfill your intentions.

I’m doing that practice now. Here’s a writing I keep returning to for inspiration that I found in the 2023 We’Moon Date book:

Winter Solstice

Rejoice! For the Light is birthed once more, and we discover anew that the body and divinity are made of the same things. There is the breath of the holy across every lip, the kiss of renewal on every brow, the new-birthed cry of awareness on every lip, the fresh taste of wonder on every tongue, the touch of joy beneath each fingertip, rebirthed this day.

In the depths of cave time, when the silver glow of moonshadow and the leaping heartfires of home comfort us, we gather fibers to knit our communities whole. There may be stripes of uncertainty and patches of pain, long gray stretches and bursts of color, but each of us contribues to the pattern of the World Soul.

Let’s give up our notions of too late, never, and not enough time, and let our fingers trail through our lives, gathering experiences of last year and holding them tenderly, both the sweet and the spiky. Breathe easy. Keep your eyes on those irrepressible silver linings, and keep your hands open. There is much work yet to be done. - Molly Remer of Mother Tongue Ink, 2022

Wishing you all the best in this time and in the midst of it all, moments of great quiet to connect with your heart.

All the best,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies